Julie Hochgesang (Gallaudet University): sign language as a first language
Dr. Julie Hochgesang is a linguist at Gallaudet University, the deaf university in Washington D.C. She received her PhD for her research into phonetic transcriptions of ASL (American Sign Language). She's now researching first language acquisition in deaf families and she is involved in creating a large lexical database for ASL. She is also actively involved developing ethical guidelines for sign language researchers.
A small selection of her publications
- Hochgesang, J. A. (2015). Ethics of researching signed languages: The case of Kenyan Sign Language (KSL). In A. C. Cooper & K. K. Rashid (eds.), Signed Languages in Sub-Saharan Africa: Politics, citizenship and shared experiences of difference (pp. 11-30). Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.
- Hochgesang, J. A., Pascual Villanueva, P., Mathur, G., Lillo-Martin, D. (2010). Building a database while considering research ethics in sign language communities. Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Corpora and Sign Language Technologies (pp. 112-116). LREC, Malta, May 22-23, 2010.