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Can parents also become a part of the deaf community?
Elsewhere on the internet
website European Union of the Deaf.
website World Federation of the Deaf.
Anja Hiddinga (University of Amsterdam): deaf culture
Deaf culture
Is deaf culture disappearing now that teaching methods are changing?
When do children get involved with the deaf community?
"It's amazing that we can be in two worlds, the deaf world and the hearing world."
"The advantage of deafness is easy international communication, I want them to know that."
What exactly do deaf people mean when they talk about 'deaf culture'?
"I wasn't much of a dancer, but we could sign together at the disco."
"For the youngest I have a baby monitor with a buzzer function and a light."
"We participate in activities with WeZoDo and the Zo Hoort Het foundation."
"Deaf children live in two worlds, in a way."
"We used to play throughout the country with deaf sports."
"I'd love to work for deaf people again."
Is deaf culture an international phenomenon, or is there also a Dutch deaf culture?
How difficult is it for parents to get involved in the deaf community?
"It's really easy if everyone is deaf at a party, we can all just sign."
"With all of that counseling we did miss insights into the whole world behind deafness and sign language."
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