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Theme Learning sign language
Families tell
"In Norway they offer sign language to babies at school."
"At the day care they watched the Lotte & Max DVDs with the children, and that's how they learned how to sign."
"It was a blessing in disguise, since we wanted to learn a new language anyway, and we enjoy it."
"The best response is when people ask: could we join you for one of those sign language classes?"
"When family counseling started, we were taking sign language classes."
"I learn all kinds of signs from Guus."
Experts tell
How early should you start learning a (first) language?
How much language input is necessary for proper acquisition of a language?
Why is the first year of life so important for language acquisition?
Can children learn sign language at school?
Why is it important for children to learn sign language if they have a CI?
How can you learn sign language as a parent?
Communication ideas
Sign language learning with the whole family
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